
Showing posts from May, 2021


Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun and the largest in the Solar System. This is basically a gas giant and has mass equal to 1000th part of the Sun and two and a half times the mass of the total of other seven planets of the Solar System. In the night sky Jupiter can be seen from naked eye. It has been observed since the pre-historic times and is named after the Roman God Jupiter, the King of Gods, because of its massive size. When viewed from Earth, Jupiter can reach a record relative to –2.49, bright enough to cast shadows making it the average third brightest object in the sky after Moon and the Venus. Jupiter is primarily composed of hydrogen, but helium consists a quarter of its total mass and its core is probably made up of rocky material and heavier elements, but like other giant planets, Jupiter lacks a well defined solid surface. Because of its rapid rotation, its shape is that of an oblate spheroid (and has a slight but noticeable bulge around the equator. On its outer a


Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun in the Solar System and it is the second smallest planet in the Solar System, being larger than only Mercury. Mars is named after the Roman God of War and is called "Red Planet" because of the iron oxide present on the surface of Mars which gives it a reddish appearance and make it distinctive among other space objects visible to naked eyes.  Mars is a terrestrial planet with a thin atmosphere, with surface features reminiscent of the impact craters of the Moon and the valleys, deserts and polar ice caps of Earth. Mariner 4 was the first Spacecraft to visit Mars and was launched by NASA on 28 November 1964, it made its closest approach to the planet on 15 July 1965. The days and seasons are comparable to those of Earth, because the rotational period as well as the tilt of the rotational axis relative to the ecliptic plane are similar. The Olympus Mons is the largest known Volcano and mountain in the Solar System located on Mars. Mars has


Venus is the second planet from the Sun. It is named after the Roman Goddess of love and beauty. As the brightest natural object in the Earth's night sky after the Moon. Venus takes 224.7 Earth days to orbit around the Sun and takes 243 Earth days to rotate on its axis. it doesn't have any moons like the planet Mercury. Venus is a terrestrial planet and sometimes it is known as the "Sister Planet" of the Earth because of its similar size, mass, proximity to the Sun and bulk composition. the atmosphere if Venus is the most dense atmosphere among all the four terrestrial planets and contains 96% of carbon di oxide. While in other matters it looks a way different that our Earth. Venus is covered with highly reflective and opaque clouds of sulphuric acid that is why its surface is not visible from space in light.   Atmospheric pressure on the surface of the planet is 92 times larger than that of the Earth. Also this is the hottest planet in the Solar System with an averag


Mercury is the smallest planet in the Solar System and the closest to the Sun. Its revolution around the Sun takes about 88 Earth days, which is the shortest of all the other planets. Planet Mercury is named after the Roman God Mercurius, God of Commerce, messenger of Gods, and mediator between Gods and mortals, corresponding to the Greek God Hermes. Like Venus, Earth and Mars, Mercury is also a rocky planet means it has a solid surface that is covered with craters. This is the only planet in the Solar System which doesn't have any moon. Despite of the fact that it is closest to the Sun, it is not the hottest one, the hottest of all is Venus. It's diameter is about one-third of the Earth's, and its mass about 5% of the Earth's. The high density of Mercury comes from the fact that it has a large iron core, which occupies about 75% of the Planet's volume. Physical Characteristics Mercury is a Terrestrial Planet like Earth, and has a rocky body like that of the Earth.


Recently, after the testing of the samples brought from the Red Planet (Mars), NASA said that there are some possibilities of organic salt present on Mars. After this research of NASA our understanding of Mars's surface will improve. Also this will help in finding life forms in Mars as well as on different Planets. In an interview NASA said that organic compound and salt traces on Mars could be a mark of geographical processes or bacterias, like that of found by the Curiosity Rover. Salts Could Be Made from Geological Processes..... According to one research, the iron, calcium and magnesium oxalate and acetate affected by radiation and oxidation together can combine to mix up with the organic salts. These salts could be made from Geological Processes or these are the remains of micro organisms. Possibilities Of Life On Red Planet Increases.... According to NASA traces of salt could increase the possibility of organic matter present on Mars. On Earth as well such type of life forms


Here are some of the amazing facts and figures related to the UNIVERSE.  Is Speed Of Light Fixed? The fact that light travels at a finite, but very high, speed was first discovered in 1676 by the Danish astronomer Ole Christensen Roemer.  Maxwell's theory predicted that radio or light waves should travel at a certain fixed speed. But Newton's theory had got rid of the idea of absolute rest, so if flight was supposed to travel at a fixed speed one would have to say what that fixed speed was to be measured relative to. The best-known equation showing equivalence of mass and energy, was summed up as Einstein's famous equation E= mc^2, states that nothing can travel faster than speed of light. Because of the equivalance of energy and mass, the energy which an object has due to its motion will add to its mass. In other words, it will make it harder to increase its speed. As an object approaches the speed of light, its mass rises ever more quickly, so it takes more and more energ


Here are some amazing elements that our SOLAR SYSTEM consists.  1. Sun The Sun is a star present at the centre of the Solar System. It is spherical in shape and is emmiting huge amount of light and infrared radiations with heat due to the nuclear fusion reactions in its core. It is a type of G-Typemain Sequence Star with a life span of approximately 10 billion years.  2. Planets Our Solar System consists of eight planets named Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, ordered in their respective distances from the Sun.  The smallest and the nearest planet to the is Mercury and the largest planet is Jupiter. The hottest planet is Venus and the coldest is Neptune. Listed below is the time taken by every planet to rotate around its Axis and revolve around the Sun. Planet             Rotation              Revolution    1. Mercury.    58d 15h 30m           88d 2.Venus.          116d 18h                  225d 3. Earth.          23h 56m                   365d 4. Mars. 


GRAVITY What is Space Time Continuum? Time is not completely separate from and independent of space, but is combined with it to form an object called space-time. It is a matter of common experience that one can describe the position of a point in space by three numbers, or coordinates. For instance, one can say that a point in a room is 7 feet from 1 wall, 3 feet from another and 5 feet above the floor. Or one could specify that a point was at a certain latitude and longitude and a certain height above sea level. One would not specify the position of the moon in terms of kilometres north and kilometres west of a building on Earth and some feet above sea level. Instead, one might describe it in terms of distance from the Sun, distance from the plane of the orbits of the planets, and the angle between the line joining the Moon to the Sun and the line joining the Sun to a nearby star such as Alpha Centauri. Even these coordinates would not be of much use in describing the position of the


Spectroscopy, the use of telescopes to measure the absorption and emission of light from molecules and atoms in various environments.  One particularly important experimental tool in astrochemistry is spectroscopy. By comparing astronomical observations with laboratory measurements, astrochemists can infer the elemental abundance chemical compositions, and temperatures of stars and interstellar clouds. This is possible because ions, atoms, and molecules have characteristics spectra: that is, the absorption and emission of certain wavelengths (colour) of light, often not visible to the human eye. However these measurements have limitations, with various types of radiation (radio, infrared, visible, ultraviolet, etc.) able to detect only certain types of species, depending on the chemical properties of the molecules. Interstellar formaldehyde was the first organic molecule detected in the interstellar medium. Perhaps the most powerful technique of detection of individual chemical species


Outlined below are some of the coolest Space Shuttle Science Experiments: 1. Microbes Get More Virulent In Microgravity. Experiments aboard the space shuttle have shown that salmonella bacteria, a   common and sometimes deadly source of food poisoning, get more virulent in space. Scientist believe that the bacteria get ramped up because space flight tricks them into behaving as if they're inside the human gut. The shuttle missions also identified dozens of genes that seem to be involved in the hyper-virulence, as well as "master switch" protein that regulates many of these genes.  2. Space Roses Smell Different. It sounds like some sort of symbolic or ceremonial gesture: The Shuttle Discovery carried a single rose to orbit on its STS-95 mission in 1998. But there was science, and business, behind the move. The company International Flavours and Fragrances (IFF) wanted to see how microgravity altered the sweet and familiar scent of a Rose — and if a new perfume component m