Outlined below are some of the theories and logics that will help in tracing out the history of Universe, Earth and Life:

Theories Leading To The Birth Of Our Planet "Earth"?

The Big Bang theory says that after a Big Bang under the effect of gravitational force meteorites fuse and a big ball of hot gases and dust particles called "Solar Nebula"  formed. About 4.6 billion years ago further gravitational collapse in the the Solar Nebula resulted in a hierarchy of structures, in the centre there was star "Sun" and the big Planets like Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and their Moons revolved around it. Our Earth is 4.6 billion years old. Thurs about 4.6 billion years ago our earth originate by gradual condensation of interstellar dust  (Nebular Hypothesis). 

Initially it was a fiery spinning ball of hot gases and vapours of various elements. Gradually the gases condensed into molten core and different elements got stratified according to their density. The heavy elements iron and nickel sank to the centre and formed solid core of the Earth, lighter elements such as silicon, aluminium formed the middle shell while lightest once hydrogen, helium, Oxygen, nitrogen and carbon flowed to surface and formed gaseous atmosphere. 
Gases expand and get cooled in water vapours and water vapours condensed into droplets and fell as rain.

How It All Started With Our Life On Earth?

Oparin and Haldane suggest chemosynthetic theory for origin of life.

According to chemosynthetic theory life originated by chemical reactions between inorganic substances. First simple organic compounds (Sugar, hydrocarbons, fatty acids) were formed. These simple organic compounds polymerized and form complex organic compounds (Proteins, carbohydrates, lipids and nucleic acid DNA, RNA). These basic molecules of life aggregate into colloids — Coacervate and microsphere further these colloids made up of protein and carbohydrates develop covering of lipids bilayer, proteins and  few carbohydrate and DNA/RNA inside thus a first cell "protocell" was formed and journey of life on earth began about 3.5 billion years back.

How Viruses, Prion and Viroids Are In Support Of Chemical Origin Of Life?

Chemogeny or chemical origin of life suggest that life begins with simple organic molecules resulting from chemical reactions.

Viruses are connecting link between living and non-living things and consisting of nucleic acid and proteins only which were present in hot soup of primitive sea.

Virus genes are like our genes and their application themselves using our cells' enzyme system.

These homolgy of genes, DNA replication mechanism and other biochemical homologies between viruses and our cells is evidence of viruses being one of the primitive life forms.

Prions also support the fact that the simple organic aggregates "The Proteoids" Prions are proteinaceous, pathogens of animals. Which are mere protein can cause many neurodegenerative diseases in animals such as mad cow disease and kuru in human.

Are We Aliens?

Similar genetic code for all life forms and presence of molybdenum in biological system greater than it present in Earth's crust suggest life reach to Earth from some other planets where molybdenum is present in large proportions.

How Bacterial Cell Transformed Into Cells Of Our Body?

First living organisms were chemo- heterotrophic bacteria which were obtaining energy by the fermentation of complex organic substances available to them from sea broth.

Chlorophyll developed in membrane of protocell from cyanobacteria (BGA) that release oxygen in Earth's atmosphere first time. 

Anaerobic bacteria gradually learnt to produce 38 ATP (Adenosine Tri Phosphate) by oxidation of one glucose in aerobic conditions. 

Folding of plasma membrane formed endomembrane system i.e. nuclear membrane, ER, Golgi body and lysosome.

Mitochondria and chloroplast originated by endosymbiont aerobic bacteria and BGA respectively which were phagocytosed by primitive bacteria accidentally.

About 2.8 billion years ago first eukaryotic cell formed and further evolution of mechanisms of perception, expression and communication leads to making life gradually complex.


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